** Tuesday Evening Meeting**
Tuesdays we have a meeting at the
Temecula Valley Hospital in Temecula.
The meeting is from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm

** Friday Midday Meeting **
Fridays we have a meeting at the
Mary Phillips Senior Center in Temecula.
The meeting is from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm.

Contact Us
Directions to Midday Friday Meeting
Directions to Tuesday Evening Meeting

About DBSA Temecula

Welcome to the Temecula Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)!  We are so glad that you have taken that important first step of reaching out for support from a group of people who can empathies with what you are going through.  We welcome those with mood disorders, those who believe they may have a mood disorder, as well as friends and family members.
Our support group members struggle with many types of mood disorders at varying levels of severity.  Many of us also deal with other diagnoses, including obsessive-compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, post traumatic stress  disorder, schizophrenia, and addictions to food, alcohol, drugs, gambling, and spending.  We’ve been through a great deal, and we join together weekly to put our collective knowledge to use in supporting and encouraging one another. 

Our two main resources are the literature that the DBSA national organization provides us and the shared experience of our members. It is a share and care, peer to peer group. Every member who wants to share their feelings will get a chance to do so. However, no one has to share. It is fine to listen and observe the meeting.

Our support group meetings follow a format provided by the national DBSA. We provide guidelines at the beginning of each meeting and adhere to them in order to provide a safe and friendly environment.  Our most important principle is confidentiality.  What is said in the meeting stays in the meeting.
Our meetings cover a number of topics ranging from medications, side effects, struggles with family, effective treatments, counseling, alternative therapies, management of mania or depressive symptoms and many more.

You can also find many useful resources at the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance website at  www.dbsalliance.org

Contact Us

If you would like to talk, please feel free to call us at: 951-434-8337

If you have any comments, question, problems or suggestions, please let us know by emailing us at: dbsatemecula@gmail.com

Mary Phillips Senior Center
41845 6th St,
Temecula, CA
(951) 694-6464

It is a block and a half East of Front St.
West of Interstate 15 in Temecula.

Time: 11:30 am to 1:00 pm


Temecula Valley Hospital
31700 Temecula Pkwy
Temecula, CA 92592
(951) 331-2200

Time 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
